FREE Tile and Vinyl Cleaner
$15 Value For FREE
With Your Next Water Test!
~Clean Your Pool’s Liner!~
Poolife® Tile Cleaner Rx is a superior formula for cleaning and descaling most vinyl liners, tile, fiberglass and concrete pools. Effectively removes dirt, oil & scale.
Please print and fill out the form and bring in to one of our locations that are located in Macomb, Livonia, Monroe, Flat Rock, or Waterford.
Offer good from 7/27/17 – 8/4/2017

Take 50% Off!
Org. 65.98
Only $32.99
poolife® AlgaePhos™ algaecide is a multi-action formula that prevents algae growth and reduces phosphate levels in your pool water.
Compatible with any type of pool sanitizer.
Please print and fill out the form and bring in to one of our locations that are located in Macomb, Livonia, Monroe, Flat Rock, or Waterford.
Offer good from 8/4/17 – 8/8/17
Posted In: Great Offers, pool chemicals, pool cleaning
Tags: Great Offer, poolife algaephos, poolife tile cleaner